**Warning - political content below. I'll try not to do this very often, but it's fair got my back up. Just skip to the end for more TV banter**
You've probably seen this already, but the Yanks have gone and buggered something else up. Off the back of a number of high-profile arrests of executives of leading internet gambling companies, the House of Reprehensibles has passed a bill (and I jest you not) to "ban internet gambling"
Idiots and cretins.
But why does this bother me? I hear you cry (or maybe just mention matter-of-factly). Well, I'll tell you why:
1. Removing one of the biggest markets means less activity - so less profits, so less cash to give away as incentives/promos and maybe even higher rakes for the rest of us.
2. Why would you kick one of the fastest growing (and revenue-generating) industries in the nuts - especially if you've let tobacco and fast-food industries merrily kill your citizens for many a decade? Unless of course the deciding factor is that a lot of these companies (with no 'real' assets to house anywhere) are overseas?
3. Who the hell decided it was the Government's job to say what is and what isn't morally acceptable for it's citizens to do? Gambling's going to send all the kids straight to hell, is it? I'd've thought sitting on your SuperSize arses watching the unutterable sh!7e served up by the American networks every day, moving only to pick up the phone and order another gaudy trinket from BuyTV, would have sent you to hell quicker. But who am I to argue.
Phew. Right, enough of that. Back to more pressing matters - I have no idea whether you're on BBC1 or BBC3-time for Spooks, but either way both of the last two episodes were top-notch. Without giving too much away, they were the summit one, and the prison one. Although the Mace character (JIC chairman) is a total twunt, I can't help but like the man. For the TV anoraks out there, the guy who plays him (Tim McInnerny) also played Percy in the Blackadder series. Knowledge!
Finally (if there's still anyone left out there), I recall Lunt asking for photos to liven up this page. Well, here's a hark back to an earlier post:

What a beast. Mildly funny story - was going up to the shed the other night, after it had been raining. Stepped on the area where Amber now resides - cue me sinking to my ankle, and shiteing it that I'd go all the way down and have a Pet Sematary moment. Fortunately I just ended up with a muddy sock - which isn't quite a bone-chilling story. Hey ho.
I was once playing cricket in the back yard at my parents house when the ball got lodged in the wall at the back. I went to fish the ball out and unearthed a match box which was the coffin of our first pet - Goldie the goldfish (imaginative, no?), buried there some years before.
Anyway, I carefully opened the box, bracing myself for whatever horror was inside, and..........
nothing. No skeleton, no escaping shadow demons that melted my face off. Nothing. Next door's cat must have had it.
1:16 AM
Either that or your ma shadily flushed it down the bog.
Goldie Massarella eh? A good porn star name. I bet she'd be slick.
Hammy Jones is my one. Sounds like a right stud.
Hasn't Marie got an ace one Trants? Rings a bell from Le Trap or somewhere.
8:45 AM
Yeah, Tuppence Mayo. Which conjures up all sorts of innuendos in my mind, but maybe I'm just still a juvenile at heart...
10:40 PM
Yeah, I'll bet you do darlin. And as soon as I work it out, I'll be introducing you to the 'delete a comment' feature.
9:40 AM
Ask Gartside how to do it. He's sent several of my slightly risque observations to the great comment box in the sky.
10:03 PM
You just need to open the comments box whilst you're logged in. Then there should be a dustbin icon underneath it.
"Slightly risque"?? Lunt, your deleted comments would have turned the air blue at a tourettes society meeting chaired by roger mellie.
11:21 PM
Did you watch that film? Hope you liked it, though some people really don't. One friend of mine wondered why "I'd wasted the last three hours of his life" by making him sit through it.
(remember - blog is the new group email)
5:39 PM
Erm, not yet sorry. Spent most of this weekend boozing and playing golf. I wasted the rest of it, ho ho ho.
I'll endeavour to watch it this weekend (twice) and pass on to the boy Smaje.
9:44 PM
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