More bollocks than a gelder's dustbin

15 November 2006

Och aye - the news

Last Thursday, Caz and I jetted off to Edinburgh to put ourselves through two gruelling days of CA2. Once all those festivities were done, her and him came up for a weekend of seeing sights, eating food and drinking a drink. Then Caz and MD would fall asleep, as it is well documented that all (to be) married people are utterly useless when it comes to partaying.

Still, much fun was had by all. If I was to choose a UK city to live in other than good ol' Manc, it'd likely be Edinburgh. Despite not taking a camera, we still managed to get a few pics on my phone:

First off, a fox in the grounds of Edinburgh castle that Caz and I stumbled across, during a romantic stroll round Edinburgh on the Thursday night. The bit later on where I enticed Caz into an unlit graveyard, then ran away to leave her screaming at me in the darkness was sadly never recorded for posterity.

The statue of Greyfriar's Bobby, the story of whom I'm sure you're all familiar with.

Me in 'comedy' pose outside my sister's old gaff on the Royal Mile.

The might fine Christmas tree in Jenners (like a Scottish 'arrods, fine to look around as long as you don't want anything).

An excerpt from a sign at (another) cemetary, highlighting the various luminaries that rest there. Most impressive was Adam Smith, but that's not what caught my eye. Childishly, #15 had me giggling for a good five minutes after.

(NB #16 is also notable, if only for the reason that she's apparently famous just for shagging someone else more famous (I forget who) - and I thought that sort of 'celebrity' was just a modern day thing).

An obscure one - a fairly nondescipt building, but with an interesting story. In summary, due to a high incidence of people pinching corpses from the cemetarys and flogging them off, such buildings were put up so the resident guard could make sure no-one was leaving the adjacent graveyard in a non-conventional way.

And finally, a bit of humour - readers of Viz especially might get the reference. If you look closely at the sign it all becomes clear, but still - a piece of advertising genius.

Huh? Wha'? I've been following the sage advice on this site for a few months now, but suddenly it's all gone very theoretical and techy. Luckily my normal play doesn't get as in depth as this, else you'd have to wait a good five minutes each time for me to work it all out before I folded.


Blogger Hotstuff said...

I go away for the weekend and arrive back expecting a whole load of comments on everyone's blogs to enjoy and nothing. Not a sausage. Even on Gartside's blog.

Then I notice that the Evans blog has a load of new pictures on and a million comments. I think that I must have gone through some sort of reverse parallel universe blackhole when I thought I was going under the Channel Tunnel.

9:01 PM

Blogger PT said...

pff. Tell me about it. I put all that effort into a right riveting read, pics and all, and no bugger cares.

That's the last time I do anything for you fickle lot.

9:50 PM

Blogger Smaje said...

Dr Haratius Bonar? What were his parents thinking...? Brilliant.

Looks like a fun-packed jaunt to Edinboro. Trust you made the most of the free internet bongo whilst waiting for Marie to arrive.

Second most desirable city for you to live? Aren't you forgetting Hull?

9:08 AM

Blogger Hotstuff said...

Just looked up the Greyfriar's Bobby story and that really is a dull tale. Thought it would go along the lines of the exciting Beddgelert dog tale, although it was admittedly made up in order to get a few tourists to visit the place.

9:26 AM

Blogger Owen said...

You mean you hadn't heard of Greyfriar's Bobby? They even made a hollywood blockbuster (of sorts) out of that story.

I really should update my site but I still can't think of a witty comeback to my mate's comment.

PT - Did you go on the scary night time ghost tour in Edinboro? That scared the shit out of me. Granted I was 7 at the time.

I don't get the bongo thing. Explain. Sorry.

Finally...Bonar. Heheh.

7:38 PM

Blogger Mark Millward said...

dickwad *unt said "I go away for the weekend and arrive back expecting a whole load of comments on everyone's blogs to enjoy and nothing. Not a sausage. Even on Gartside's blog."


(and fresh off the press tonight:

good post btw. tranter ftw.

9:15 PM

Blogger Hotstuff said...

MWard, I saw that comment before I went hence............fighting talk.

You're in trouble now Millward. I'll insist you ski with me for the afternoon thus ensuring certain injury (I'm going for the hat trick of people skiing with me wiping out and breaking something this year).

11:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

soz lunt, just that i did that post late afternoon on saturday and you had said you were away for the weekend, and i presumed that would cover late afternoon.

i can't be arsed firing up paint right now, but for the sake argument, just presume at this juncture that i've hastily shopped an alpine hillside, an ambulance and the infamous lunt-grinning-and-giving-it-the-thumb-up pic. i'm sure you can picture it. good isn't it? a suitably biting response.

8:43 PM

Blogger Hotstuff said...

MWard - don't let the earthly facts get in the way. I saw your post in my mind's eye prior to going on hol.

9:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

phew, you said minds. at first glance...

10:14 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

tranter - are you blocking me from posting on here? i have to post as 'other' - i can't post under my profile. are you being sneaky?

10:15 PM

Blogger PT said...

Er, nope? If I knew how to do that I'd impress myself, but it ain't me.

4:39 PM

Blogger Owen said...

It was me.

I'm jealous of Tranter getting a load of comments.

7:14 PM

Blogger Hotstuff said...

Stop! Updatetime.

10:20 PM


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